For Patients

What To Expect On Your First Visit

Your first visit to Fremont Therapy Group or Rocky Mountain Sports will start with an extensive assessment of your injuries or condition, your movement capabilities and your functionality.Our licensed physical and/or occupational therapy professionals will then discuss an individual program of treatment with you. Typically, you will also receive your first treatment during this visit.

When you come to your appointment, please wear comfortable, loose-fitting, casual clothing. If you normally wear corrective lenses or hearing aids, be sure to have them in place. It is vital that you and our therapists are able to communicate effectively.

Bring any doctor’s reports you have in your possession and a list of any medications you are currently taking.

For your convenience, following are the new patient forms we will need prior to your treatment.

New Patient Form and Privacy Notice - Fremont Therapy - Download/AutoFill or Download/Print

New Patient Form and Privacy Notice - Rocky Mountain Sports - Download/AutoFill or Download/Print